No Question this is Providential! World Joins UK in Prayer this Sunday, April 29!
Over the past several months, a grassroots effort worked diligently to call the British Isles to pray the rosary together on Sunday, April 29. As their website reads …

Bambino Gesu, Come to Alfie’s Aid!
WHILE ALFIE IS KEPT FROM BAMBINO GESU HOSPITAL, LET US ASK BAMBINO GESU TO COME TO ALFIE’S AID. Mother Angelica, pray for Alfie! Bambino Gesu, come to Alfie’s aid!

Never Give Up! A Miracle Story to Support Alfie Evans
Pool of Bethesda and My Uncle’s Miracle One of the greatest inspirations for my priesthood was my uncle and Godfather, Father Donald Murray. His joy and love and humor

Mother Angelica, SingleHandedly, Turned the Barque of Peter in 1993
I believe Mother Angelica, single-handedly, turned the Barque of Peter around on August 14, 1993, with this Clarion Call to stand against a horrific liberal trajectory of Holy Mother

April 12 – Anniversary of Tre Fontane Apparitions
ROME, on the above date, was a sunny Saturday after Easter. Bruno Cornacchiola, a railway worker, decided to take advantage of the beautiful spring day by taking his three

Wisconsin – “Walk to Mary” on May 5
“As part of the New Evangelization, I invite all in our area who are able to join in this journey of faith. Participation in this pilgrimage is a wonderful

Father Joseph Ratzinger’s 1969 Prediction: What the Church Will Look Like in 2000
Father Joseph Ratzinger’s 1969 Prediction: What the Church Will Look Like in 2000 In a 1969 German radio broadcast, Father Joseph Ratzinger offered his thoughtfully considered answer to the question,

Matt Walsh Calls Out Christian America in Talk at St. Mary of Pine Bluff
The April 6 talk by popular Catholic author and blogger Matt Walsh at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church is now available via video replay. Walsh’s talk, “Satan’s

Pray the Angel of Death Passes Over Ireland!! 54 Day Rosary Novena Starts on Easter Sunday!!
PLEASE SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE!!! Irish Catholics have asked the world to join with them in prayer to save them from joining ranks with the culture if death.