What My Gramma Taught Us About the Secret to More Vocations to Priesthood
What My Gramma Taught Us About the Secret to More Vocations to Priesthood I have been a priest for more than 32 years. I feel truly blessed to be a

Unveiling the Secret to Strengthening Parishes in the Supernatural Power of God
Parishioners with Supernatural Faith Please pardon me while I go ahead and brag on my amazing parishioners (The photos in the collage for this article are all of my parish

When Truth Equals Hatred, Evil Wins
When Truth Equals Hated,Evil Wins by Brother Boltoph Osb More and more it seems that, even in the Church, the proclamation of truth is considered hate. This is disturbing because

What if Abortion Opened the Portal to Satan’s 100-Year Unbinding?
HERE’S A THOUGHT Russia (the Soviet Union) became the first country in the world to legalize abortion. What if this opened a gigantic satanic portal, and the ticking clock of

As a Pastor/Shepherd, I Am Obliged to Shout: “Here is the Wolf!”
AS A PASTOR/SHEPHERD, I AM OBLIGED TO SHOUT: “HERE IS THE WOLF!” “The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible,

What Approach Should We Take to Sedevacantists? Stay Clear and Pray for Them!
I am not an expert on the claims of sedevacantists. Why? It’s the same reason I stay clear of CNN and MSNBC. They are very effective in “crafting” their arguments

What We Were When I Was a One Year Old – Make America Holy Again!
What We Were When I Was a One Year Old As Bobby Darin was singing “Mack the Knife” (below), I was a one year old in my momma’s arms. I

How God Usually Answers the Prayers of the Underdog
Many souls, today, seem to be falling into despair. Those on the “devil’s team” look like they are, literally, getting away with murder. The devil’s team believes that anything is

The Tyranny of the Tolerant – The Driving Force of Modern-Day Abuse
THE TYRANNY OF THE TOLERANT / Wall Street Journal Opinion “They’ll tear you down if you use the wrong word, have a flawed past, fail to salute the fashionable woke

A Theologian’s Perspective on the Coming Presidential Election
A Theologian’s Perspective on the Coming Presidential Election (I have been given permission to repost this from a Facebook group called “Caritas in Veritate”) Theologian writes: Today I found a