This new Holy League was publically launched on March 7th, 2015. On the 444th Anniversary of the Holy League called by St Pius V in 1571 which ended on October 7th with the victory at the Battle of Lepanto thanks to Our Lady of Victory, Our Lady of the Rosary.
Holy League History
Pope St. Pius V formed the original Holy League in response to the dire situation in which Christian Europe found itself in 1571. Small bands of Catholic men and remnant armies from various nations came together under the spiritual leadership of the saintly pontiff and the military leadership of Don John of Austria. By prayer and fasting, they implored the help of God’s grace, through the intercession of the Mother of God, and, by the grace of Almighty God, on October 7, 1571, at the Battle of Lepanto, the Christian fleet won a crushing victory over the Ottoman Turks, saving Christendom and western civilization.
At this particular moment in time, the Church finds itself in a similar situation to that of the Church in the late Sixteenth Century. However, instead of a physical enemy on the horizon, the Church and the family (the domestic Church) are threatened daily by relativism, secularism, impurity, and confusion regarding Church teaching. The battle today “is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in the heavens” (Ephesians 6: 10-12).
In response, faithful Catholics are longing to come together to combat these preternatural forces of evil. These men need something that will bring them together so that they can all work toward a common goal. The goal is to be in the state of grace, and that is why a new Holy League is being formed. Without this spiritual armor, we are naked on the battlefield, vulnerable to every tactic of the devil. Thus, the first move in spiritual warfare is to prepare for battle; to, quite literally, “Put on Christ!”
Holy League Vision
The Vision of the Holy League is to develop a network of parish based regular monthly Holy Hours with confession and fraternity for men.
The Holy League, in a Spirit of Marian Chivalry, under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Joseph, seeks to provide opportunities for the faithful to unite in prayer, especially monthly Eucharistic Holy Hours, for purification from sin and predisposition to Supernatural Grace for the fuller exercise of the threefold offices of Priest, Prophet, and King received at Baptism. The particular prayer of the Holy League is the monthly Eucharistic Holy Hour.
The Holy League, in fidelity to its mission as a Roman Catholic solidarity movement:
provides a Holy Hour format which incorporates:
- Eucharistic adoration, prayer, short spiritual reflections, the availability of the Sacrament of Confession, Benediction and fraternity;
- encourages consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Purest Heart of Joseph;
- promotes the Precepts and Sacraments of the Church; especially through devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the praying of the Most Holy Rosary;
- creates a unified front, made up of members of the Church Militant, for spiritual combat;
- strives to have a regular monthly Holy League Holy Hour available to men in every Roman Catholic parish.
For more information on the Holy League, go to: