Announcement: Saturday Mornings at St. Mary of Pine Bluff, Starting in Advent

Announcement: Saturday Mornings at St. Mary of Pine Bluff, Starting in Advent

I’ve done some good praying and discerning, and I have sought input from many, and so I am announcing what will occur on Saturday mornings at St. Mary of Pine Bluff, beginning the first weekend of Advent, December 2, 2017:

With this first weekend of Advent, 2017, I will be making the Saturday morning Mass a permanent Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Also, I will offer an hour of Adoration before each Mass, which will include praying the rosary and hearing Confessions. The Traditional Latin Mass will be followed by server training.

So …

7:00am – Holy Hour of Adoration, Confession, Rosary (possibly Lauds)
8:00am – TLM (Low Mass)
9:00am – Server Training

We will offer three of these TLM server trainings in Advent – December 2, 9 & 16. Then break for the holidays, and pick it up on January 13. We can then assess what is needed for training beyond that.

We will have Rorate Masses on Dec. 9 & 16, which require us to begin Mass just before sunrise. So, we will adjust this same schedule to one hour earlier.

So, on Dec. 9 & 16 …

6:00am – Holy Hour
7:00am – Rorate Mass
8:00am – Server Training

I have also committed to offering my first Solemn High Mass at the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

If you are interested in being trained to serve (youth and adults alike), please know you are more than welcome. Server training begins on December 2, after the 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass.

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