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Happy Thanksgiving From George Washington!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! This year, especially, we have so much to be thankful for. For a time, we lost sight of our roots, but it seems there is a longing, across

This is Our Spiritual D-Day

This is Our Spiritual D-Day For some time, I have been praying about this “appeal.” At this moment in history, I believe the vast majority of all us have reached

United States Grace Force Basic Training – We Are God’s Champions!

United States Grace Force Basic Training – We Are God’s Champions We are emerging from a very grim period of spiritual weakness as the vast majority of Christians ceased to

Grace Force Podcast Episode 256 – Yes, They DID Mock the Last Supper!

Grace Force Podcast – Yes, They DID Mock the Last Supper! The recent attacks against Christianity and the blasphemy that took place during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in

Jonah Eclipse, Northern Lights and God’s Timing

Jonah Eclipse, Northern Lights and God’s Timing This day concludes the Pentecost Novena. I have great hope that our prayers for a “Supernatural Revival in the Land” have been heard

Loving God and Longing to Please God Does Not Make Me Extreme

LOVING GOD AND LONGING TO PLEASE GOD DOES NOT MAKE ME EXTREME Why am I “traditional” or a so-called “conservative” or even rigid or extreme for simply following the prescription

Stealth Arianism – The Root of Our Problems Today

For the past several years, I have been confiding to close friends my own growing sense that something is happening. I have spoken with others who have admitted the same

Does the Eclipse Mean Anything?

DOES THE ECLIPSE MEAN ANYTHING? Here we are. An eclipse will “cross the nation,” literally, as its path intersects with the 2017 eclipse. Many are noting the timing and the

The APA Did This

THE APA DID THIS The primary reason we are experiencing chaos and mayhem today is the fault of the modern “woke” American Psychological Association (APA). I have a bachelor degree in