Day 1: Preparation for Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
To the Heart of Our King, Jesus of Bethlehem
Read Luke 2:1-20
Rosary (Third Joyful Mystery only)
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let Us Pray
Sacred Heart of Jesus, we salute You, for You are the King of Kings, the Ruler of families and nations. But sad to say, in many nations, You have been dethroned and rejected. This is mainly because You were dethroned in many families of which the nations are composed.
Loving Master, we want to make up for this insult to Your Divine Majesty by lovingly enthroning You as King of our (family or organization). Like Mary and Joseph, like the shepherds and the three kings, we want to give You a royal welcome as they did when they adored You in Your humble home in Bethlehem. Like them, we have no royal throne to offer You, but we can and will offer something even more pleasing to You. In our (home or organization), Your throne will be a living throne: the loyal hearts of the members of this (home or organization); Your royal crown: our acts of love.
O Mary, queen of our (home or organization), by your loving submission to the will of God in all things, obtain for us the grace never to sadden the Heart of our King by willful disobedience of His commandments or those of His Church. May it be said of us what the Gospel said of Jesus, “He was subject to them.” Good St. Joseph, guardian of our (family or organization), help us to make this Enthronement the beginning of a new life of love in this (home or organization). Through the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our (family circle or organization) and through your powerful intercession, may we receive the grace to know our King more personally, love Him more ardently, and thus serve Him more faithfully. Amen.
Daily Prayer
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You to be King of the universe; all that has been made is created by You. Exercise over us all Your sovereign rights. We hereby renew the promises of our Baptism, renouncing Satan and all his works and empty promises, and we promise to lead henceforth a truly Christian life. Divine Heart of Jesus, we offer You our poor actions to obtain acknowledgement by every heart of Your sacred kingly power. May the kingdom of Your peace be firmly established throughout the earth.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your kingdom come through Mary!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, queen of heaven, pray for us!
St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us!
St. Michael, first champion of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us!
Guardian Angels, pray for us!
Sing or play an appropriate hymn to the Sacred Heart.