by Fr Richard Heilman | July 25, 2016 11:04 AM
Dear Bishops,
We love you and deeply respect you and pledge our obedience to you. We appreciate all of the ways you are leading us to know the love and mercy of God, and leading us to Heaven. Thank you!
With the same spirit of humility Abraham spoke in this past Sunday’s Old Testament reading – “See how I am presuming to speak to my Lord, though I am but dust and ashes! (Genesis 18:27) – your flock humbly asks for your help.
With the media attention the self-professed devout Catholic Mr. Tim Kaine is receiving as Hillary Clinton’s Vice Presidential selection, we believe this is a key moment in time to save many souls in your flock. As Mr. Kaine is professing to be a devout Catholic while supporting abortion (100% Planned Parenthood rating) and, apparently, still allowed to receive Holy Communion, many are being led to follow Mr. Kaine in manifest grave sin. We believe this would be a perfect time for our US Bishops to stand in solidarity with Pope Francis, and help Mr. Kaine and your entire flock comprehend the gravity of such a sin as supporting the killing of innocent children in the womb.
Three years ago, Pope Francis addressed the bishops of Argentina. Lifesite News reported[1],
“In the letter, Pope Francis directed the Argentinean bishops to govern the Church there following the Aparecida Document.
The text states, in part, ‘[people] cannot receive Holy Communion and at the same time act with deeds or words against the commandments, particularly when abortion, euthanasia, and other grave crimes against life and family are encouraged. This responsibility weighs particularly over legislators, heads of governments, and health professionals.’
“’These are the guidelines we need for this time in history,’ the pope wrote to the bishops.”
Although written to Argentinean Bishops, we know that its application is universal.
We hope and pray you, like us, are not misled by such nonsensical claims as, “I’m personally opposed to abortion, but politically pro-abortion.” As we are sure you know, one cannot profess to be something one’s actions contradict.
And, of course, we all know that abortion and euthanasia stand alone among today’s injustices in America. As Archbishop Gomez so eloquently wrote, “Any approach that essentially tolerates abortion and euthanasia or puts these issues on a par with others, not only betrays the beautiful vision of the Church’s social teaching, but also weakens the credibility of the Church’s witness in our society.”
We have also heard from those who claim, “We should not withhold the Holy Eucharist as a political weapon.” Of course we all know that this has never been the intention of Holy Mother Church in regards to Canon 915:
Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
God is our Father. But He is not just any parent, He is a “perfect parent.” Just as parents teach their children about the severity of their adverse behavior by withholding something precious from them, so God has always used this method to reach and teach His children. Just as it is with these loving parents, so it is with our Loving Father in Heaven … this is not an act of revenge, but a precious act of love. It is meant to “jolt the sinner” as a way to help them break free from the sin that keeps them separated from God. It is an act of merciful love, as God seeks to revive the deadened soul from manifest “mortal” sin and call His child back home into His loving arms.
We hope and pray that you see, as we do, how silence and a lack of action, in regards to public figures such as Mr. Kaine, only grants carte blanche for far too many in your flock to remain separated from God in manifest grave sin and, therefore, in grave danger of the eternal pains of Hell. This is an opportunity to draw attention to the severity of supporting the killing of innocent children, and very possibly “jolt” millions in your flock from remaining in this perilous place.
Once again, we are so very grateful for the many ways you tend to your flock, protecting them from the dangers of the world and guiding them to their eternal home in heaven.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
You Faithful Catholic Flock in America
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