Free Epiphany Water, Salt & Green Scapulars for U.S. Grace Force

Free Epiphany Water, Salt & Green Scapulars for U.S. Grace Force

This past Vigil of the Epiphany, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z), offered the ancient Rite of Exorcism and Blessing of Epiphany Water (All in Latin!). This was a very powerful evening as Fr. Z exorcised and blessed 25 gallons of water and 10 gallons of salt.

According to Exorcists I have spoken to, this ancient rite of the blessing of the waters, with its extraordinarily powerful prayers of exorcism, renders Epiphany Water more spiritually potent than ‘ordinary’ holy water (also, exorcised salt is part of the ritual and is used to ‘make’ Epiphany water).

Free Epiphany Holy Water & Salt, and two Green Scapulars (touched to a Relic of the True Cross) are offered for all who have enlisted in the United States Grace Force. We want the U.S. Grace Force to have the most powerful supernatural weapons at hand (the first “Epiphany Sets” should be available the week of Jan. 13).

Men, women and children are invited to enlist in the USGF. Enlistment simply means adding your contact info to the USGF email list, so you may be contacted for spiritual warfare campaigns.

You can enlist in the United States Grace Force HERE.

The United States Grace Force is comprised of all those who have ever signed up for our Spiritual Warfare campaigns, such as Novena for Our Nation, Nineveh 90 for Life, etc.. The number of U.S. Grace Force troops is now approaching 50,000. A recent report claims that the number of witches has grown to 1.5 million. Our goal is to grow this mighty Grace Force to a number and strength that overtakes witches, satanists and every other force that stands against the Will of God (Deus Vult!). You can read about the United States Grace Force HERE.

Also, I want to strongly encourage that everyone sign-up to pre-order the all new United States Grace Force Prayer Book. It should be available to send out in early February.

You can pre-order the brand new U.S. Grace Force Prayer HERE.

Again, this is a special offer, specifically, to all of the United States Grace Force troops. I will be offering 300 of these “Epiphany Sets” (Water, Salt, 2 Green Scapulars) each week for the next four weeks, by way of email notification to the United States Grace Force. Spreading this over four weeks will afford those doing order fulfillment to handle the numbers. I will not be announcing availability of “Epiphany Sets” on social media, but only by way of USGF emails, and only to those who enlisted in the United States Grace Force. So, be sure to enlist in the United States Grace Force!

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