FREE Green Scapulars Touched to Relic of True Cross for Conversions

by Fr Richard Heilman | January 10, 2018 7:55 PM

This is REALLY good news!! And, I am very excited about this!!

I am planning to do everything I can to get Green Scapulars to anyone who asks, who is participating in Nineveh 90 for Life.

As you can see by the photo for this article, these Green Scapulars will be touched to a Relic of the True Cross of Christ. You can read about this particular Relic HERE[1].

Nineveh 90 for Life begins on January 1, 2018. There will be three main intentions (you can add your own too):

  1. End to Abortion
  2. Personal Holiness
  3. Conversion of Our Loved Ones

You can read about the Green Scapular HERE[2]. The first promise is for the “Conversion of those who do not have the faith.” I have seen and heard countless stories of the miracle of conversions through the Green Scapular.

Most people will hide these Green Scapulars in the vicinity of where your loved one (in need of conversion) is frequently … under their mattress, under their car seat, etc.

During this Nineveh 90 for Life, we are not “messing around” … we are going ALL IN for the babies and for our loved ones’ conversions. With these “touched” Green Scapulars, and our 90-day dedication to prayer and mortification, I believe abortion is coming to an end, and we are going to witness a multitude of conversions!!

You can learn more and sign-up for Nineveh 90 for Life HERE[3].

I want to gift these special Green Scapulars, in particular, to those who are taking these intention seriously, by joining Nineveh 90 for Life.

If you are planning to take part in Nineveh 90, and would like 1-5 of these FREE “touched” Green Scapulars, go HERE[4].

These are FREE. We are not allowed to sell blessed things. But, many have asked if they can donate.

If you feel called to give a donation to my parish, you can do so HERE[5]. You do not need to give any donation. I am thrilled to offer these for free.

UPDATE: I have had several thousands of requests for these FREE Green Scapulars. Praise God! I found a company that can make this huge order, and they will have them to me around Ash Wednesday (February 14). I have volunteers ready to fill all of these orders, once the scapulars arrive. Thank you for your patience.

  1. HERE:
  2. HERE:
  3. HERE:
  4. HERE:
  5. HERE:

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