Help Build a School for the Poor
Dear Friends, I’d like to ask for your help.
Every year, Dr. Michael Kloess (his family sits in my pew for daily Mass and his boys serve for me) has led a Medical Mission Trip to El Salvador. It is a rather large team, and many of them are from my parish or are homeschool families, of which I am the chaplain. Throughout the year, Dr. Kloess runs Our Lady of Hope Clinic in Madison, WI, that specializes in reaching out to the poor.
When the mission team was in El Salvador this past March, Padre Mauricio of St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Ateos (which is currently the primary site of the medical mission work) asked for their help. The parish has a school that currently has 440 students attending, most of whom are able to pay only a fraction of the tuition. The school accepts them anyway realizing that for these children their only hope for the future is education.
The current school facility is very crowded and has only the most basic materials with which to teach the children. Padre Mauricio showed them plans to add four classrooms on to the school and an area where “life skills” and trades can be taught to the older students. Fundraising is going on in El Salvador, but without our help it will take years to raise the $40,000 needed for the project.
After seeing the needs and experiencing the gratitude and warmth of these resilient people in the Ateos area, their missionary group committed to raising $20,000 to support this important school project.
Please, please, please consider donating to this beautiful cause for these poor children. If everyone gave $20 it would help, but if everyone asked ten friends or family members to give $20, we could have our goal met in no time.
If the Holy Spirit is inspiring you to help with this amazing project, please click here: GoFundMe