Men, Women & Children Invited to Vigil of Epiphany, January 5

by Fr Richard Heilman | January 2, 2019 7:41 PM

Vigil of the Epiphany
Saturday, January 5, 
St. Mary of Pine Bluff


Everyone is invited – men, women, children – to this holy Vigil of the Epiphany evening at St. Mary of Pine Bluff.

Vigil of the Epiphany, Saturday, January 5

Free Epiphany Holy Water & Salt, and Green Scapulars (touched to a Relic of the True Cross) for all who attend (please do not bring your own water and salt to be blessed).

According to Exorcists I have spoken to, this ancient rite of the blessing of the waters, with its extraordinarily powerful prayers of exorcism, renders Epiphany Water more spiritually potent than ‘ordinary’ holy water (also, exorcised salt is part of the ritual and is used to ‘make’ Epiphany water).


As Fr. Z writes[2]…

Wonderful customs come with the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is 6 January, by the way.


On Epiphany we can bless gold, frankincense and myrrh. Bring all your spare, unblessed myrrh to your priest… and gold. Bring lots of spare gold to your priest, or to me if your priest isn’t around.


On Epiphany there is a blessing for homes. There is also the famous blessing of chalk which can be used then to mark the lintel of the house.


On the Vigil of Epiphany there is a special blessing for “Epiphany Water.” Here is a photo from a couple years ago, of yours truly blessing Epiphany Water.


The Rite[3] is very cool. It begins with the Litany of Saints, with a couple special petitions about the blessing of the water to follow. Satan and the demons are then driven from the place with a mighty prayer.

PLEASE SIGN UP (HERE[4]) – (we need numbers for gifts and food)


Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z) with the Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum:

  1. [Image]:
  2. Fr. Z writes:
  3. The Rite:
  4. HERE:

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