MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!! Bishop Hying to Lead Men in Consecration to St. Joseph!!

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!! Bishop Hying to Lead Men in Consecration to St. Joseph!!



Bishop Donald J. Hying, Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, WI, will be coming to St. Mary of Pine Bluff to launch the “St. Joseph Strong” challenge, calling all men to enter into the 33 Day Consecration to St. Joseph (February 16 – March 19, Feast of St. Joseph).

All men who attend will receive (FREE) Fr. Calloway’s book, CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH, along with a (FREE) “ST. JOSEPH STRONG” CHALLENGE COIN.

We call these First Friday evenings the NIGHT OF KNIGHTS

Whether you are a Knight of Columbus or Knight of Divine Mercy or Knight of the Holy Sepulchre or just trying to do your best to be God’s Holy Knight, these evenings bring all men together to become igKNIGHTed in the power of supernatural grace!!



6:00pm – Adoration, Confessions, Solemn Vespers (led by the Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum)

7:00pm – Bishop Hying’s inspirational talk on “Calling Men to Be St. Joseph Strong”

7:45pm – Chanted Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Benediction

8:15pm – Fraternal Social with Bishop Hying in St. Mary’s gym

Please sign-up to help us know how many free-bees to have ready, and for food for the social: HERE


Bishop Donald J. Hying will prepare us for this amazing “St. Joseph Strong Challenge” evening (February 7) by coming on the United States Grace Force podcast just two days prior, on Wednesday, February 5.


Featuring:  Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum (That’s Fr. Z with the Schola)