MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!!  My Prayers Have Been Answered!!

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!! My Prayers Have Been Answered!!

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!! My Prayers Have Been Answered!!

For those who have been following me, you know that I revere all those place themselves in harm’s way. These heroes have done everything asked of them in their mission to serve and protect our country.

From the time I first created the Combat Rosary, based on the original 1916 WWI military issue pull-chain rosary, it has been my hope and dream to make these Combat Rosaries available, at no cost to these heroes, to all those who serve, whether they be military members, veterans, law enforcement officers or first responders.

I am very happy to announce that, with the help of family and friends, Combat Rosaries for Heroes Inc. is now a Wisconsin-based non-profit 501(c)(3) charity that provides free Combat Rosaries to these heroes!

Also, we have put together (again, with the help of family and friends) a beautiful Combat Rosaries for Heroes (CR4H) website that provides great information, and an opportunity for all those who share my dream to donate toward this effort to get as many Combat Rosaries as possible into the hands of these heroes.

Here is the website address for finding out more about CR4H, and for making your donation:

My Board of Directors is AMAZING! I’m so grateful for their willingness to join ranks (See HERE)

Fr. Richard Heilman (President)
Fr. James Altman
Doug Barry
Sr. Diedre Byrne
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Heller
Lt. Col. Indira Donegan
Sheriff David Mahoney
Joseph Leone (Attorney)
Eddie Cotter, Jr.
Joe Alger
Mike Albers
Ken Pientka
Dave Yanke

I am so thankful to all those who helped us get here, especially Joe Leone, my lawyer, and Joe Hanneman, the brains behind just about everything, including the beautiful website.

My family, who assembles and sells the Combat Rosary, will actually be absorbing some of the costs in order to get as many Combat Rosaries as possible to these heroes. So, for every $1,000 donated, 100 Combat Rosaries will go to these heroes.

All of these Combat Rosaries will be blessed with Epiphany Holy Water and touched to a Relic of the True Cross, which was actually rescued during the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France during WWII (See story HERE). That makes these Combat Rosaries especially powerful for these heroes to carry on them and pray.

Please prayerfully consider donating to this amazing campaign, and please help get the word out about this by sharing this everywhere you can.

I’ll close by sharing my current all-time favorite song. May God bless and protect all of these amazing heroes, and may “GOD BLESS THE USA!!”


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