Make America Holy Again Spiritual Warfare Campaign – Day 14
“The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” – John F. Kennedy
“If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” – Ronald Reagan
“We asked for God’s help; and now, in this shining outcome, in this magnificent triumph of good over evil, we should thank God.” – George H. W. Bush
Level of Engagement
We are asking everyone to do, at least, numbers 1 thru 4 below. If at all possible, we would like as many warriors as possible to go “Full On Spiritual Navy Seal” by doing all eight of these, every day from October 20 to November 6 (Election Day).
- Pray in a State of Grace (Go to Confession)
- Believe God will answer our prayers
- October 20 – October 28 – Novena #1 – Pray the St. Jude Prayer
- October 29 – November 6 – Novena #2 – Pray the Immaculate Conception Prayer
- Pray the Rosary Daily
- Add Penance (recommend follow-through on some “get-healthier” challenge)
- Pray the St. Michael Chaplet (Call upon St. Michael & Nine Choirs of Angels)
- Enlist 18 Saints & 18 Holy Souls into your Holy Alliance, and pray for 18 people in need of conversion (Learn how HERE)
Novena to Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the US
In 1791, America’s first bishop, John Carroll, entrusted his diocese – which was the entire country at the time – to Mary. The U.S. bishops affirmed that dedication in 1846, declaring Mary the Immaculate Conception to be patroness of the United States.
The novena prayer comes from the 1959 dedication of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. It was approved that year by Cardinal Patrick O’Boyle, then-archbishop of Washington.
Novena Prayer to be prayed each day from October 29 – November 6:
Most Holy Trinity: Our Father in Heaven, who chose Mary as the fairest of your daughters; Holy Spirit, who chose Mary as your Spouse; God the Son, who chose Mary as your Mother, in union with Mary we adore your majesty and acknowledge your supreme, eternal dominion and authority.
Most Holy Trinity, we put the United States of America into the hands of Mary Immaculate in order that she may present the country to you. Through her we wish to thank you for the great resources of this land and for the freedom which has been its heritage.
Through the intercession of Mary, have mercy on the Catholic Church in America. Grant us peace. Have mercy on our President and on all the officers of our government. Grant us a fruitful economy, born of justice and charity. Have mercy on capital and industry and labor. Protect the family life of the nation. Guard the precious gift of many religious vocations. Through the intercession of our Mother, have mercy on the sick, the tempted, sinners — on all who are in need.
Mary, Immaculate Virgin, our Mother, Patroness of our land, we praise you and honor you and give ourselves to you. Protect us from every harm. Pray for us, that acting always according to your will and the will of your divine Son, we may live and die pleasing to God. Amen.
Please Note:
You can read about this spiritual warfare campaign in greater detail HERE
Join our “Special Forces” Facebook group HERE
Order the St. Michael Combat Chaplet I designed HERE
Order the Combat Rosary I designed HERE
Daily Emails
I will send daily emails with these prayers and reflections. Please sign-up HERE.
(If you have signed up for Novena for Our Nation or Nineveh 90, you should be signed up already)