Mother Angelica, SingleHandedly, Turned the Barque of Peter in 1993

by Fr Richard Heilman | April 19, 2018 7:34 PM


I believe Mother Angelica, single-handedly, turned the Barque of Peter around on August 14, 1993, with this Clarion Call to stand against a horrific liberal trajectory of Holy Mother Church. Much like a loving parent watching her toddler wander out into a road with busy traffic, Mother Angelica was stern and disciplinary in her rebukes[1] of this terribly dangerous trend. As many of her quotes have been shared in the days following Mother’s passing on Easter Sunday, 2016, I was especially struck by this one: “Those who tell the truth, love you. Those who tell you what you want to hear, love themselves.”

She would call her sisters to wear a “more Roman” habit after this day. EWTN would go on to use modern media to present the more “authentic Catholicity” that millions would believe was “true.”

This was, providentially, on the Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe who, in his day, would fight a very similar battle by use of the very best of modern media in his day.

My friends, modern media can certainly be used for evil, and it is. But, we must make use of it bring the light of truth into a world that is being bombarded with falsehoods and every kind of evil. Here is a sampling …

A weak and compromising liberal Catholicism has no power to face and conquer these evils. We must grow stronger in our Catholic faith and do all we can to heal this planet from it’s terrible disease of evil.

Scripture is filled with God sending forth punishments on those who persist in sin. These are usually preceded by warnings through prophets and others. Take some time to search these modern prophecies: Anne Catherine Emmerich, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of La Salette and others.

Nobody can say for sure what God will do to “catch our attention” (“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” -Matthew 24:36). But, I know He loves us so much that He gave us His only Son and He will never give up on us.

Enjoy this monumental video by, hopefully, a future saint …

  1. stern and disciplinary in her rebukes:
  2. 100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America … by Michael Snyder:

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