New Media: Don’t Let “Them” Control the Message
In 2011, Jeffrey Kuhner of the Washington Post lamented,
“For the past 50 years, every major institution has been captured by the radical secular left. The media, Hollywood, TV, universities, public schools, theater, the arts, literature — they relentlessly promote the false gods of sexual hedonism and radical individualism. Conservatives have ceded the culture to the enemy. Tens of millions of unborn babies have been slaughtered; illegitimacy rates have soared; divorce has skyrocketed; pornography is rampant; drug use has exploded; sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS have killed millions; birth control is a way of life; sex outside of wedlock has become the norm; countless children have been permanently damaged — their innocence lost forever — because of the proliferation of broken homes; and sodomy and homosexuality are celebrated openly. America has become the new Babylon.”
It seems that every venue for communication and, therefore, indoctrination has been seized by those voices contrary to the Gospel; contrary to Truth. However, social media has served to be a powerful tool to mobilize “other voices” from the Heartland of America that have managed to hold these liberal ideologies accountable.
Such giants as Bishop Athanasius Schneider acknowledges this effective tool, and seems to root on the faithful to utilize this new and powerful medium to counter the “singular” view we have been subjected to for quite some time:
“We are not confined to waiting for the media to spread these messages. We do not have to wait for each individual pastor to preach them from the pulpit. We should embrace the new media forms that allow us to spread the Gospel and the teachings of our Holy Mother, the Church. We should take our message to the Internet, publish it on websites, blogs, and social media.”
Even Fr. Robert Barron implores us to “use the new media!”
“Become very adept at old media of books first. Immerse ourselves and others in the tradition of the Church. But, yes, yes, yes to the new media. We would be horribly derelict if we don’t use the tools we have before us. We can’t allow others to control the world of new media. The majority of those that become atheists are doing so through new media, stats show … We need to declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ always – with new expression, method, and ardor.”
Think of Fulton Sheen who did not waste a minute to use the new media of his day. Even Father Maximilian Kolbe was said to be ahead of the game in his usage of the most advanced tools to spread the gospel and consecrate to Jesus through Mary hundreds of thousands of souls.
Fr. Robert Barron points out that, “Facebook has 1.1 billion users, and half of them log in everyday … There are 400 million unique tweets on Twitter every day. Every month, people around the world watch 6 billion hours of videos on Youtube. It’s staggering! … The tools we have now!! If we do not use them, we are not acting as Elijah!! We cannot allow the priests of Baal and the new atheists to get control of this world … we gotta get in there!!”
(Fr. Barron begins to talk on new media at 47:00)