Nineveh 90 for Life. 90 Days for Special Forces Warriors to Deal the Last Blow to the Culture of Death
Nineveh 90 for Life: January 1 to Easter Vigil
Not too long ago, my bishop appeared on EWTN. Bishop Morlino has been ramping up his call for all of us to engage in spiritual warfare; to do whatever we can to stand against the forces of evil:
But I do think a lot of this stuff that happens through the media is works of darkness, and I really do think the source is in Satan. He has a superhuman intellect and a superhuman will, and Satan is not a wimp. And, so, we have to be “not wimps” in trying to live the virtuous and moral life, in terms of imitating Jesus Christ, and in finding in Him our hope for everything, and then we just go forward.” (Bishop Robert C. Morlino on EWTN’s The World Over, Nov. 2, 2017).
We have to be “not wimps.” It’s true. We are facing an extremely strong force of evil in our world, and we need to, as St. Paul says, “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:10-12).
Prayer is our outstanding supernatural resource for fighting the wiles of the enemy. St. Alphonsus said,
“Prayer is, beyond doubt, the most powerful weapon the Lord gives us to conquer evil … but we must really put ourselves into the prayer, it is not enough just to say the words, it must come from the heart. And also, prayer needs to be continuous, we must pray no matter what kind of situation we find ourselves in: the warfare we are engaged in is ongoing, so our prayer must be on-going also.”
When the Apostles asked the Savior why they had been unable to drive the evil spirit from a demoniac, Our Lord gave a “key” for what intensifies or increases the power of our prayers: “This kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting“ (Matthew 17:21). So, too, the evil which today torments humanity, led by the culture of death, can be conquered only by a world-wide crusade of prayer *and* penance.“
Whether it’s a Navy SEAL or a Saint, we admire those who put it all on the line — go “all in!” — those who are totally dedicated to the mission … and God admires them too. Throughout salvation history, we have seen how God responds to this resolute and determined kind of prayer, just as Jesus taught His disciples. It was in Nineveh that the entire city turned back to God and did all that they could, through prayer and penance, to “demonstrate to” God that they were absolutely resolute in this “turning.” God saw how “serious” they were about this, and He was moved (Jonah 3:3-10). This is yet another story that demonstrates how God – a perfect Father – compels His children to be truly resolute and quite serious when calling out to Him.
This is what “Nineveh 90 for Life” is all about. This a prayer campaign for “not wimps.” This is a clarion call to all those “Special Forces Prayer Warriors” who seek to join ranks with tens of thousands of others in this “Supernaturally Charged” 90-Day crusade to deal the last blow to the culture of death.
Congress is becoming more pro-life, this administration is more pro-life, the courts are becoming more pro-life, “science” is more pro-life, and the country itself is becoming more pro-life. I believe we are on the verge of witnessing an end to the worst genocide in the history of civilization. The time is now is now for us to marshal everything we’ve got to see this through to it’s completion … to deal the last blow.
Nineveh 90 for Life begins on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1) and goes until the Easter Vigil (March 31). Special Forces Prayer Warriors (those who join) will be challenged to enter into a period of prayer and mortification. “Mortification,” at its essence, means to “die to yourself.” This will be our time to let go of bad and sinful habits and to embrace more good and healthy and Godly habits. The research in the behavioral sciences that says 90 days is about the time needed to change bad habits. What better time to be resolute then when, traditionally, many take on “New Year’s Resolutions.” Except this will be done with a support system that is tens of thousands of special forces warriors strong! We will also be using some of the tried and true very powerful supernatural elements. Namely, the Brown Scapular, 54 Day Rosary Novena, and the 33 Day Preparation for Marian Consecration.
“He must increase, but I must decrease” was the call of St. John the Baptist. This is our time to “make straight a path for the Lord.” To put aside everything that stands in the way of Christ to fill us with His Divine Life. THIS is the way we become “strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!” God will surely hear and answer this throng of tens of thousands resolute in our plea to end the culture of death. I am certain of it!
The Nineveh 90 Challenge Begins January 1.
“Consecration Day” will be on March 31, Easter Vigil, and the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Cross.
Nineveh 90 – Ten Elements
- For these 90 days, resolve to let go of repetitive sin you struggle with (e.g., acts of impurity, over-eating, alcohol, etc.)
- Wear Brown Scapular (Scapular Medal allowed) – Akin to Sackcloth
- Daily Mass (If you are able)
- Confession (at least once a month … immediately following grave sin)
- Support System: Create or join a “Nineveh 90 Squad” of 3+ people. Maybe create a Facebook group. Also, try to join together with an “Accountability Buddy.”
- Daily Prayer (Developing a quality Catholic Prayer Life)
- Morning Offering
- Angelus (6,Noon,6)
- Rosary
- Holy Hour (or at least 20 minutes of quiet prayerful reflection time. Does not need to be before the Blessed Sacrament. This is normally done at home or your favorite prayer space … maybe create a “God Cave” in your home)
- Bedtime Prayers
- For 90 Days, Commit to …
- Regular and challenging exercise
- Seven hours of sleep is essential
- No alcohol
- No desserts & sweets
- No eating between meals
- No soda or sweetened drinks
- Limit television or movies (news allowed)
- Only music that lifts the soul to God
- Limit televised sports (maybe one per week)
- Limit recreational computer time (only use for personal needs and fulfillment. May be needed for Nineveh 90 too)
- 54 Day Rosary Novena (Basic Training in Holiness) – January 1 to February 23
- 33 Day Preparation for Consecration – February 26 to March 30 (Good Friday)
- Marian Consecration – March 31, 2018 (Easter Vigil, Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Cross)
Prayer Intention for 54 Day Rosary Novena: Personal holiness and for an end to the culture of death.
Sundays and Solemnities: May be a day of relaxed discipline, but not abandoned. (Sleep in an extra hour, cream in your coffee, a dessert, a beer, etc.)
Fasting: Wednesdays and Fridays (Water/Juice and bread only, if medically allowed, otherwise as is outlined by the USCCB)
You are encouraged (not required) to join the Angelic Warfare Confraternity
Men may want to choose the even more rigorous Exodus 90 (sign-up HERE), and use it for our 90-day journey.
Please join our “Special Forces Training” FB group to receive instructions and form Nineveh 90 squads and buddies: SPECIAL FORCES TRAINING
From Michelle Linn Fallon: “I want to encourage everyone thinking about this to do it. I did this in a way without calling it this beginning in September when we did the first novena for our nation. I got up before 6am and worked up to 11 workouts a week. I’ve lost 40 pounds. I look great. I feel great. I’ve lost my taste for sweets. Broken my addiction to soft drinks from childhood. I have little sugar, little dairy and don’t want it. I am no longer considered obese and only slightly overweight according to my doctor. In 10 pounds my BMI will be normal again. My prayer life is more consistent. I hardly miss a day on this second novena so I rarely have days to make up prayers. I’ve joined a lay apostolate. Amazing things happen when you offer the discipline to God. Amazing prayers have been answered for me and I’ve witnessed miracles in my life. I can’t fast on bread because I can’t eat bread. But I can deny myself other things. I have health issues that keep me from some of the fasting things. But I can deny myself sleeping in when I want to and pray instead. It’s all habits. Do what you can do and focus on that. Let God do the rest. He will!”