Preparing for Nineveh 90

Preparing for Nineveh 90

NOW, is a wonderful time to, in essence, “warm-up” for Nineveh 90. For example, maybe take this time to ease into your exercise program that will begin on February 13.

With a little less than four weeks before we embark upon our “Nineveh 90” challenge, I am taking steps to “warm-up” and get all of the kinks out before we begin. If you aren’t aware of “Nineveh 90,” you can read all about it HERE.

Praise God … Nineveh 90 begins “after” the Super Bowl, so limiting watching sports will be easier for me. 😉 I don’t watch TV – outside of Fox News – so this should be okay too. I don’t have a sweet tooth and alcohol is something I only indulge during big socials, so I should be good here too.

Four things will be my challenge …

First, I only recently discovered I have several food allergies. Without knowing this, I developed a habit of waiting until my duties were done, at the end of the day, before I would eat. That’s right, for the majority of my life, I have fasted every day, just because I wanted to avoid the ill effects of eating. As a result, I ruined my metabolism. This habit is now entrenched, and I have struggled to break the habit. But, I am determined to do so. Therefore, I have been working with a nutritionist, and I am developing the better habit of having several small meals throughout the day.

Second, I have been faithful in hitting the gym to lift weights, and I can now lift “all the weights” on the machines that use plates. However, I have convinced myself that cardio – walking to start – is just simply way too boring. I am breaking that bad habit, and I am now working up to 10,000 steps on the treadmill … which I plan to be at by the start of Nineveh 90.

Third, my prayer life is pretty strong – liturgy of the hours, rosary, mental prayer, etc. – but I am not the best with catching the Angelus, and I am off and on with the “Morning Offering.” I am setting an alarm on my phone for the Angelus, and I plan to keep my Combat Prayer Book by my bed and by my side at all times.

Fourth, I *love* my Diet Mountain Dew. This is a tough one for me, but I am already replacing it with water.

I’m preparing now, so February 13 won’t seem too overwhelming.

What are you doing to prepare? 🙂


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