Slavery Was, as Abortion is, a Crime Against Humanity

Slavery Was, as Abortion is, a Crime Against Humanity

The following is the conclusion of Star Parker’s testimony before Congress, declaring her support for H.R. 490, the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017. You can read the entire testimony here.

Here’s the deal … while it is hard for us to imagine, even the founders of our country, whom we have heralded, believed blacks were not “fully human.” Thus, like everyone else, they owned slaves. Slavery was built into the culture and recognized as “normative.” Now, we see people so appalled by this 18th century (and beyond) “cultural norm,” that they want to annihilate any monuments that pay tribute to these founders.

I want to ask a straight forward question to those (many of whom are “statue destroyers”) who are following in lock-step with leading lights of our time who – like the slave owners of our past, and in spite of modern technology – continue to uphold that the beating heart in that womb is not human:

“What side of history do you want to be on, when we, like our nation did in 1868, wake up to the horror of this modern genocide (60 million innocents), and finally recognize these babies as human beings?”

Here is Star Parker’s testimony …

Slavery was, as abortion is, a crime against humanity.

Like slavery, tension was created in the public square and in law, concerning who qualified for natural rights worthy of protection.

For the first 89 years of our nation’s existence, it was the black slave who sought freedom and equal protection under the law: and many attempts were made to heed their cry.

In 1777

Gradual abolition laws were passed in northern states: Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey.

In 1807

Congress passed a law prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States after January 1, 1808.

In 1831

Emancipation was narrowly defeated in the Virginia constitutional convention.

Today it is the conceived person living in the womb of its mothers that should be considered human with opportunity of equal protection under the law.

It is ironic that while the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1868 humanized slaves, the U.S. Supreme Court of 1973 dehumanized the life of the being in utero – handing down a decision that reeked in ethnic cleansing, to once again allow a powerful few to determine exactly who had a right to humanity.

As with slavery, special interest groups put tremendous pressure on legislators and judges to dehumanize blacks so to protect slavery: today similar pressure is put on legislators and judges by the eugenics movement and other special interest groups regarding abortion.

If the baby in utero is not a human being in the fullest sense of that term, then he or she has no natural right to life. However, if the opposite is true, then the humanity in the womb is entitled to a constitutional right to life.

Ignoring the advent of ultra sound and other medical devices that make it abundantly clear that the baby in utero is alive and indeed human is a disservice to women, and to a society built on the constitutional rights that protect us all.

I pray this Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017 will unanimously pass your committee, and eventually will be voted upon on the House floor.

I have submitted to your Committee a 2015 CURE Policy Report about the Impact of Abortion on the Black Community which will give you more specifics to support my testimony here today.

Thank you.

Star Parker

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