Something Big is Coming this Wednesday!
I’m like a little kid just days before Christmas morning. I’m busting at the seams to tell someone – ANYONE – what we have planned for our nation during these spiritually stormy days we have been enduring in America. Jesus is asleep in the stern of the boat, and we REALLY need to wake Him up!!
Here it is … ssshhh … over the past number of weeks, a group of Catholic leaders from around the country have been meeting (conference calling) to plan for a very special movement of prayer for our country entitled “Novena for Our Nation.” Just as we did last year, we will go from the Feast of the Assumption (August 15) to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7). Except this year, we are planning to have a Rosary Rally at the US Capitol on October 7. Mark your calendars and try to attend, or please try to create a Rosary Rally in your area on the same date (or that weekend).
PLEASE NOTE: This will be only days before our Presidential Election.
We’ve decided to launch this campaign this Wednesday! It is interesting to note that this Wednesday is the Feast Day of both Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher. Both of these men were martyred for refusing to accept the validity of the divorce and remarriage of King Henry VIII. Their patronage is extremely important at this critical time when there are so many assaults on marriage and family these days.
From their feast days, it is exactly 54 days to the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe (August 14 … the day before the “Novena for Our Nation”). Kolbe could be one of the greatest saints for us to lean on during our times. He too recognized “something was coming.” He too utilized the most modern methods of communication for his time in order to reach the most people. He too had a great love for Our Lady and understood her essential role of mediation between us and God.
Stay tuned for the launch this Wednesday of news about this “Novena for Our Nation,” beginning on August 15.
If you would like, you are welcomed to join me in prayer *for* this nationwide prayer campaign. Beginning this Wednesday and going until the Feast Day of St. Maximilian Kolbe, I will be offering a “Novena for the Novena.”