Three Hearts – Holy Family – Consecration for Our Times
“The world’s greatest need is great men, someone who will understand that there is no greater conquest than victory over oneself; someone who will realize that the real worth is achieved, not so much by activity, as by silence; someone who will seek the Kingdom of God and His justice, and put into actual practice the law that it is only by dying to the life of the body that we ever live to the life of the spirit; someone who will brave the taunts of a Good Friday to win the joy of Easter Sunday; who will, like a lightning-flash, burn away the bonds of feeble interests which tie down our energies to the world; who, with a fearless voice, like John the Baptist, will arouse our enfeebled nature out of the sleek dream of unheroic repose; who will gain victories, not by stepping down from the Cross and compromising with the world, but who will suffer in order to conquer the world.
In a word, what we need are saints, for saints are the truly great men. … I assume without further ado that the grace of God is the one thing necessary, and that God will give that grace to those who do His will.” -Venerable Fulton Sheen
Saints in Training
On October 16, 1917 – just 3 days after the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima – St. Maximilian Kolbe founded the confraternity known as “The Militia of the Immaculata,” a movement whose purpose is “to convert sinners, heretics, and especially Masons, and to sanctify all under the patronage and through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.” In advance of the Nazi invasion of Poland, hundreds of thousands were consecrated to Jesus through Mary, due to Father Kolbe’s efforts.
“While St. Maximilian Kolbe’s push for consecration was the largest,” according to Father Gaitley, “the one going on right now is the second-largest ever, and the largest since St. Maximilian Kolbe’s.” There’s a “historical reason” for the new push to consecration. Fr. Gaitley said. “there’s something happening, something moving, something ahead,” while no one knows specifically what is coming.
Now is the Time!
We are asking all of the faithful to join us in this “Special Forces Training.” A term borrowed from the military, but speaks precisely to the great need today … God needs an army of saints in training who are filled with the “special force” of His supernatural grace!
This training begins on June 4, 2015 (leading up to the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). We are asking everyone to join us as we follow Fr. Maximilian Kolbe’s 9-Day Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary. In essence, this will be a “Three Hearts Consecration.” On day one, we will entrust ourselves to the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. On day nine – the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – we will pray the Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which offers a plenary indulgence when prayed on that day.
Join this “Special Forces Training” at this Facebook group: HERE
If you would like emails for this 9-day preparation for consecration, sign up: HERE (please invite others!)