To Progressives/Relativists: “You all think I’m licked. Well I’m not licked.”
“You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well I’m not licked. And I’m gonna stay right here and fight for this lost cause. Even if this room gets filled with lies like these. And the Taylors and all their armies come marching into this place. Somebody will listen to me.” (Jeffrey Smith, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” 1939)
If we are merely “animals,” then “YES” … bring it on!! Bring it ALL on!! Let humanity satisfy every pleasure, every want, every desire!! But, if we are MORE than animals, leave us free to live in that dignity.
I am SO tired of progressives/relativists who live their lives diminishing the dignity of humanity!! Yes, the “soft bigotry of low expectations.”
We don’t need to bend down and become like the world. We are called to elevate the world … to sanctify the world!! Venerable Fulton Sheen put it best:
“The world’s greatest need is great men, someone who will understand that there is no greater conquest than victory over oneself; someone who will realize that the real worth is achieved, not so much by activity, as by silence; someone who will seek the Kingdom of God and His justice, and put into actual practice the law that it is only by dying to the life of the body that we ever live to the life of the spirit; someone who will brave the taunts of a Good Friday to win the joy of Easter Sunday; who will, like a lightning-flash, burn away the bonds of feeble interests which tie down our energies to the world; who, with a fearless voice, like John the Baptist, will arouse our enfeebled nature out of the sleek dream of unheroic repose; who will gain victories, not by stepping down from the Cross and compromising with the world, but who will suffer in order to conquer the world.
In a word, what we need are saints, for saints are the truly great men … I assume without further ado that the grace of God is the one thing necessary, and that God will give that grace to those who do His will.” -Venerable Fulton Sheen
Well …. I will not live as an animal. I will live to strive to be the saint God has called me to be!! And I will NOT allow my One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to devolve into a “get with the times … do whatever feels good” organization because, you know, we are soooo merciful!!
I am taking a stand!!! And I’m gonna stay right here and fight for this lost cause!!! Even if this Church gets filled with lies like these. And the Kaspers and all their armies come marching into this place. Somebody will listen to me!
“You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well I’m not licked!!”