Vigil of Epiphany: Special Blessing of Water and Salt
While there is no official teaching about the superiority of one sort of holy water over another, there is an opinion that is a common one among exorcists and emerges from their experience that using solemnly blessed holy water vexes the demons during an exorcism more than simply blessed holy water.
Epiphany water is considered the most potent of holy water, because it is blessed once a year on the vigil of Epiphany and blessed using an extensive liturgy, similar to vespers. It is mixed with exorcised salt, and the exorcism over the water is lengthier. Hence it was deemed more potent by many, especially exorcists.
As Fr. Z writes …
Wonderful customs come with the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany is 6 January, by the way.
On Epiphany we can bless gold, frankincense and myrrh. Bring all your spare, unblessed myrrh to your priest… and gold. Bring lots of spare gold to your priest, or to me if your priest isn’t around.
On Epiphany there is a blessing for homes. There is also the famous blessing of chalk which can be used then to mark the lintel of the house.
On the Vigil of Epiphany there is a special blessing for “Epiphany Water.” Here is a photo from a couple years ago, of yours truly blessing Epiphany Water.
The Rite is very cool. It begins with the Litany of Saints, with a couple special petitions about the blessing of the water to follow. Satan and the demons are then driven from the place with a mighty prayer.
On the Vigil of the Epiphany (Sunday, January 5), this year, The Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum will join Fr. Z (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) along with several priests (including two exorcists) to offer the Rite for Providing Holy Water.
I will have 35 gallons of water on hand, along with 3 gallons of salt. These will be distributed, for free, to the United States Grace Force (and my social media followers) in the days following. It’s time to get armed up for 2020.
You have the best shot of getting in on this if you enlist in the US Grace Force here:
(Please recruit family and friends to enlist!)
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (Fr. Z) with the Knights of Divine Mercy Schola Cantorum: